Soundjack cannot detect sound card

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    I’m new to Soundjack and have been trying to get it set up to rehearse. No matter what I do, I get a message to “restart sound card” or simply “no sound card.” Restarting my sound card does not solve the problem. I’m on Windows (64-bit). I know an external sound card is recommended, but is it required? Or should I be able to get this working without one? In the latter case, any troubleshooting suggestions? Thank you so much!


    If you’re on Win and don’t have an ASIO sound card you can install ASIO4ALL as an alternative, however, it is not really recommended and should only be used for general testing.

    On Win you should avoid integrated devices.




    Alexander is the expert, but in my old DELL Latitude E6510 (Windows 10) the internal sound is not so bad (in latency) with ASIO4ALL 2.14.

    An external interface is better and can be quicker (a Focusrite is good but currently needs an older driver to work with SoundJack), but I would not have a problem with my computer with the internal sound. Keep in mind that you need to install and configure ASIO4ALL for the internal sound before you can use it in SoundJack. Only use ASIO drivers with Windows. The others are slow and can disable sound (VU-meter is red).

    BUT, every machine is different and some (many?) sound drivers might be a lot slower than mine. It depends on the style and tempo of the music, the SoundJack settings and the network time distance if it is acceptable or not.

    For a local connection start with 256/256/1 and try to reduce to 128/256/1 or even 64/256/1. You can try 128/128/1 or 64/128/1 but it might not work well.

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