Volume slider on stage resets periodically

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    Hi all,
    my understanding of the volume slider on the stage is: for each connected co-musician I can adjust his/her level to the appripriate volume I would like to hear in my headphone. This is a kind of “private setting”, a “private mix”, every stage-user is doing it “for himself”, the setting should remain unchanged during the runnnig session (unless I change it again).
    Today (30.12.2020) it happened, that approx. every minute a kind of “reset” of all volume sliders for all musicians to the intinal value was done.
    So my question is: do I have a wrong understanding or is it a bug in the current software (I noted new icons for the volume sliders)
    Thanks for any comments Reinhard


    I experienced the same thing yesterday 12/29/20 with a friend. I am on windows 10 and he was on MacOS, both of us using chrome as our web browser. Volume slider seemed to make no change in volume, and then would “snap” back to its default position.


    This was a temporary bug which is solved with the new release.

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