Looking through the tech material, I can’t find a way to get around the hardcoding of this port.
Am I missing something ?
Here in France, my ISP (Free) limits the range of ports that can be used for each user.
They do this to economise on IP4 addresses, effectively packing 4 users into 1 address and decoding the ports in bands:
ports 1-16363 for user 1
ports 16384-32767 for user 2
ports 32768-49151 for user 3
ports 49152-65536 for user 4
as documented here
I’m currently on ADSL, but our newly-arriving Fibre does exactly the same thing.
Errm…Would it be a lot of work to make this port user-defineable (as it is with JamKazam) ?
Thanks in advance !
(SoundJack looks great, btw!)