I recently installed the new SJ210106 software. I have a MAC OS V 10.14.6 with a four core processor, and a focusrite Clarett 8Pre sound interface. It was working well. Now, I can hear my band play, but they can not hear me. I can hear my own sound through my headphones through the Focusrite box. Any ideas what might be going wrong? Help would be most appreciated!
You hear all inputs locally, not only the selected ones, but only the selected ones get out to the others.
Check with a mirror (disable local sound in the left column before) if you can hear yourself.
Try other inputs (if selectable) until it works.
Problem solved! When new SJ was installed somehow the system settings on the Mac did not update. In Mac System Preferences: Security & Privacy: Privacy: Microphone the box next to SJ was unchecked. I just had to check that box to allow SJ access to my mic. This was not a problem with installing any of the previous versions. Don’t know why this happened, but I checked the box and problem solved.