SoundJack Stage Enhancements
- This topic has 13 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 7 months ago by
Initial Entry for Soundjack Stage Enhancements.
Private Rooms should function and look pretty much as they currently do, with the exception that the chat area will be user connected, active only for currently connected users. Private Rooms would also have the global chat capability. No need to have User List Filtering in the Private Room.
Suggested Stage Page Enhancements:
-User List Selection based on extended profile elements for Main Instrument, Preferred Music Style and current call status (Accept Any, Manually Accept and Deny All Calls) ; Minimized/Expandable selection categories the way that Amazon search categories work.
-Links to User Profile Elements would display various music related details critical to decision making about initiating connections. Executing a link may require that the resulting data window be persistent until it is manually closed. It may be more convenient for the data to be displayed the same way connection info is currently displayed for a user (passing the cursor over the (i) icon) by passing the cursor over the user_id.
-The Private Chat window would be linked to those currently connected (following same rules as connections and actually associated to connections). In otherwords, you would not be able to chat with someone you are not connected to.
– Private Rooms would have the same chat capabilities , but not have the User Search section.
-A Global chat would be available in an expandable/undockable window. This is retained for broadcast chats (as in troubleshooting individual issues or relaying system-wide info – anyone can chime in, as it is implemented today)
Basically, the new functional elements would be functions for the individual user’s use, and so executing a new search or requesting user info of a listed user would not require global refreshes of the Stage page, the way logging on and off of users, or changes in their connection state currently refreshes the list of users for everyone logged on. Each request for data would be a single request for backend database info (specific users info or collection of list of users for that requesting user). The request to the backend (database) would take a similar path as querying a users specific connection info of IP addresses (similar to the data that you get when you pass your cursor over the (i) icon).
There is plenty of real-estate left on the current page to accommodate the suggested changes.One scenario that may provide a challenge is one where you have made connections and then use the search criteria to find other users to connect to.
Say you are connected to a keyboardist and that is what you have initially searched for, and now you want to expand your connections to have a saxophonist join you, so you set the search criteria for saxophonists that might respond positively to your query. What happens to the listing display? You display must still contain all the users that you are currently connected to and then all the successful search results. Does your list re-order itself in order to maintain current connections?
One possible solution might be, in this case, where you have executed a new search to have the list now act somewhat like the private room, which shows your current connections at the top. Here, a search would always result in active connections appearing at the top of the page. So your initial listing, when first log on shows everyone by default. If you make a connection on this first listing and then do a search, the refresh would maintain that connection and display it at the top followed by the list of users that satisfy the search conditions.Musical Instrument Category should be expanded to include orchestral instruments (violin, viola, cello, french horn, etc.) This is so the string quartets or brass quintets can use Soundjack or even entire orchestras. Also, should add a category for percussion for the Latin music.
Maybe a category for Listener or Other can be added. Just for completeness sake.Data/User Migration: This will be a critical part of the expanded rollout. The question is how to do it. Traditionally a software cutover is to make a backup and then bring the new software and data over during cutover. In order for the transition to work there would have to be a way to get the data in place so all the new user-oriented functionality would work without the rollout becoming a months-long process, which would happen if it were left to the users to update their profiles on their own. Using the laissez-faire approach would leave the user-search functionality essentially useless until enough users updated their profiles. This is an easily solvable problem. Currently, upon logon, the first panel the user encounters is the profile page. Ah, we have them captive! If there were a trigger in the database on the instrument field(s) such that a failure to mark at least one entry for an instrument would not allow moving forward, leaving the only option as logging off the site, this would then force the initial collection of that data and, at a minimum, the musical instrument search would work. Also this would guarantee that a look at a particular user’s info via the link (or whatever is employed to display that limited data) would at least show their instrument. Having a trigger functioning in this way could be a permanent solution, not a throw-away mechanism and would ensure a successful rollout and guarantee that this critical step of user profile setup is not skipped, since a successful rollout is not just that the software works as intended, but that the new functionality is useable.
Within the new version we can apply private rooms in a new way because you have the ability to be “friend” with somebody. Based on these database entries we can create private spaces soon.
Migration is done until July, 20th but users have to generate a new password. Anyone registering later has to do it manually here.
Based on the social media data we have available now we can link anything to the STAGE as well if this is required at all. We will now collect user feedback and see to what extend this will be done. Opinions are diverse – e.g. some users don’t want anything else but being able to play and no social media at all. The great thing about my new solution is that I now can do anything with a maximum amount of flexibility.
Hi Alex, I noticed that the volume slider under my VU meter has a tendency to get locked to mouse cursor. Seeing as me and fellow users tend to always have this fader at 0 to avoid hearing our on feed bouncing back through SJ, is there any chance of a MUTE button?
Good idea ! Will put it on TODO !
AnonymousAugust 11, 2020 at 5:14 pm4 years, 8 months ago(@)Hi Alex,
I am not sure where to post bugs report:
SJ crashes when we (Pascal and i) try to connect to each other on any of the New website’s stages on Chrome and the new SJ software.
Thank you!
AnonymousAugust 11, 2020 at 5:28 pm4 years, 8 months ago(@)Hi again,
Please disregard my previous post. We figured it out. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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